ACI Audition Outline

"ACI AUDITION(Art Competition International AUDITION,abbreviated:ACIA)" will hold a competition aimed at discovering and exchanging outstanding artists in both Japan and Taiwan.

【Call for Entries】Animation, Comics, Illustration, Contemporary Art, Fine Art

By holding the "Original Drawing," "Three-Dimensional," and "Digital" competitions at the same time,
we hope to form a confluence of the diversifying art of the future and promote exchanges between outstanding artists and art fans who will be responsible for the future.
By providing opportunities to exhibit and present award-winning works across national borders, we will contribute to the development of art and culture in both Taiwan and Japan by supporting the ongoing activities of artists.

In addition to the old art market, new art platforms such as NFT were created We would like to build a platform that can support diversified activities of "future art" and "artists" together with new talents we meet through this audition. We would like to build a platform that can support diversified activities of "art of the future" and "artists" with new talents we have met through this audition.
We are going to hold a new type of borderless competition from Japan and Taiwan.

About the ACI Audition Committee

The ACI Audition Committee is an organization formed by three art dealers who have been active in Japan and Taiwan for over 20 years.
The purpose of this organization is to discover artists who can be active in the art market in the future and to support their activities.
With the addition of already active artists, museum personnel, and other experts, the program will be responsible for discovering and disseminating new art from Japan and Taiwan.

Concept:Discovering and supporting new talent for the next generation!

We invite you to participate in this "ACI Audition" first, and aim to make your debut as a new artist.